Welcome to py-opc’s documentation!

py-opc is a python module that makes it easy to operate the Alphasense OPC-N2 optical particle counter using a Raspberry Pi over the SPI bus using either a SPI-USB converter or directly using the GPIO pins. It was originally designed using a Rapsberry Pi 2 Model B and Python3.5; however, it should work on all variants.

There are a variety of OPC Models and firmware versions from Alphasense; a table documenting which ones are supported can be found in the complete documentation. If you own an OPC-N2 with a firmware version that has not been tested, please do so and submit as an issue on the GitHub repository.


There are several ways to install py-opc. The recommended method is through the python package manager, pip:

>>> pip install py-opc [--upgrade]

If interested in testing a development version, clone (or download) the repository, navigate to the folder where the files are located, and install as follows:

>>> python setup.py develop

If interested in developing, please visit the “how to contribute” page.


One of the following packages is required:

Use the spidev library if you are planning to connect to OPC to the microcontroller via the GPIO pins. Use the pyusbiss library if connecting via a SPI-USB adapter.

Setting Up the Raspberry Pi

There are now two simple ways to connect your Alphasense OPC to a Raspberry Pi (or similar device): directly via the GPIO pins, or using a SPI-USB converter.

Connecting via GPIO

If you are not familiar with setting up a Raspberry Pi to be used as a SPI device, here are a couple of great tutorials: RPi, Drogon, and Hensley. A few important things to note:

  • The Alphsense OPC-N2 is a 3v3 logic SPI Mode 1 device
  • The OPC requires at least 250 mA, so powering directly through the RPi is not an option

To connect the RPi to the OPC-N2, there are four connections that must be made, plus ground and power. The power source must be 5 VDC, and should power both the OPC and the RPi to avoid ground issues. The connections are stated below:

Pin Function OPC RPi
2 Serial Clock SCK CLK
3 Master In Slave Out SDO MISO
4 Master Out Slave In SDI MOSI
5 Chip Select /SS CE0 or CE1
6 Ground GND

Connecting via a USB-SPI Converter

To connect your OPC to the Raspberry Pi directly, you can use a SPI-USB converter. They can be found fairly inexpensively online or directly from Alphasense.

You will then be able to directly connect the OPC to your Raspberry Pi’s USB port.

Getting Help

Still running into problems?

  • To report a problem with this documentation, contact the author.
  • Report an issue with the py-opc library on GitHub
  • Submit a feature request for py-opc on GitHub.

Current Supported Firmware

There are several versions of Alphasense OPC-N2 firmware’s that are currently deployed. If you have a version that is not listed in the table or is not tested, please send a pull request with your test results! The following versions have been tested:

OPC-N2 Firmware Version Python2.7 Python3.5 Date Tested Tested By
v18.2 Yes Yes 2016-04-02
  1. Hagan


Setting up the SPI Connection

Using the SpiDev Library via GPIO Pins

import spidev
import opc

# Open a SPI connection on CE0
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
spi.open(0, 0)

# Set the SPI mode and clock speed
spi.mode = 1
spi.max_speed_hz = 500000

Using the pyusbiss Library via USB Port

from usbiss.spi import SPI
import opc

# Open a SPI connection
spi = SPI("/dev/ttyACM0")

# Set the SPI mode and clock speed
spi.mode = 1
spi.max_speed_hz = 500000

Initiating the OPCN2

    alpha = opc.OPCN2(spi)
except Exception as e:
    print ("Startup Error: {}".format(e))

Reading a Histogram

# Turn on the OPC

# Read the histogram and print to console
for key, value in alpha.histogram().items():
    print ("Key: {}\tValue: {}".format(key, value))

# Shut down the opc

API Reference

class opc._OPC(spi_connection, firmware=None, max_cnxn_retries=5, retry_interval_ms=1000, **kwargs)

Generic class for any Alphasense OPC. Provides the common methods and calculations for each OPC. This class is designed to be the base class, and should not be used alone unless during development.

  • spi_connection (spidev.SpiDev or usbiss.spi.SPI) – spidev.SpiDev or usbiss.spi.SPI connection
  • debug (boolean) – Set true to print data to console while running
  • model (string) – Model number of the OPC (‘N1’ or ‘N2’) set by the parent class
  • firmware – You can manually set the firmware version as a tuple. Ex. (18,2)
  • max_cnxn_retries (int) – Maximum number of times a connection will try to be made.
  • retry_interval_ms (int) – The sleep interval for the device between retrying to connect to the OPC. Units are in ms.


Return type:


_16bit_unsigned(LSB, MSB)

Returns the combined LSB and MSB

  • LSB (byte) – Least Significant Byte
  • MSB (byte) – Most Significant Byte
Return type:

16-bit unsigned int


Returns an IEEE 754 float from an array of 4 bytes

Parameters:byte_array (array) – Expects an array of 4 bytes
Return type:float

Returns the average amount of time that particles in a bin took to cross the path of the laser [units -> microseconds]

Parameters:mtof (float) – mass time-of-flight
Return type:float

calculate the sampling period in seconds


Calculates the pressure in pascals

Parameters:vals (array) – array of bytes
Return type:float

Calculates the temperature in degrees celcius

Parameters:vals (array) – array of bytes
Return type:float

Calculate the adc value that corresponds to a specific bin boundary diameter in microns.

Parameters:bb (float) – Bin Boundary in microns
Return type:int

Looks up the bin boundary value in microns based on the lookup table provided by Alphasense.

Parameters:adc_value (int) – ADC Value (0 - 4095)
Return type:float

Checks the connection between the Raspberry Pi and the OPC

Return type:Boolean

Checks the connection between the Raspberry Pi and the OPC

Return type:Boolean

Reads the information string for the OPC

Return type:string
>>> alpha.read_info_string()
'OPC-N2 FirmwareVer=OPC-018.2....................BD'
class opc.OPCN1(spi_connection, firmware=None, max_cnxn_retries=5, retry_interval_ms=1000, **kwargs)

Create an instance of the Alphasene OPC-N1. opc.OPCN1 inherits from the opc.OPC parent class.

Parameters:spi_connection (spidev.SpiDev) – The spidev instance for the SPI connection.
Return type:opc.OPCN1

Turn OFF the OPC (fan and laser)

Returns:boolean success state

Turn ON the OPC (fan and laser)

Returns:boolean success state

Return the bin boundaries.

Returns:dictionary with 17 bin boundaries.

Read the bin particle density


Read the gain-scaling-coefficient and sample flow rate.

Returns:dictionary containing GSC and SFR

Read and reset the histogram. The expected return is a dictionary containing the counts per bin, MToF for bins 1, 3, 5, and 7, temperature, pressure, the sampling period, the checksum, PM1, PM2.5, and PM10.

NOTE: The sampling period for the OPCN1 seems to be incorrect.


Write the bin particle density values to memory. This method is currently a placeholder.


Write the gsc and sfr values

NOTE: This method is currently a placeholder.

class opc.OPCN2(spi_connection, **kwargs)

Create an instance of the Alphasene OPC-N2. Currently supported by firmware versions 14-18. opc.OPCN2 inherits from the opc.OPC parent class.

Parameters:spi_connection (spidev.SpiDev) – The spidev instance for the SPI connection.
Return type:opc.OPCN2
>>> alpha = opc.OPCN2(spi)
>>> alpha
Alphasense OPC-N2v18.2

Enter bootloader mode. Must be issued prior to writing configuration variables to non-volatile memory.

Return type:boolean
>>> alpha._enter_bootloader_mode()

Read the configuration variables and returns them as a dictionary

Return type:dictionary
>>> alpha.config()
    'BPD 13': 1.6499,
    'BPD 12': 1.6499,
    'BPD 11': 1.6499,
    'BPD 10': 1.6499,
    'BPD 15': 1.6499,
    'BPD 14': 1.6499,
    'BSVW 15': 1.0,

Read the second set of configuration variables and return as a dictionary.

NOTE: This method is supported by firmware v18+.

Return type:dictionary
>>> a.config2()
    'AMFanOnIdle': 0,
    'AMIdleIntervalCount': 0,
    'AMMaxDataArraysInFile': 61798,
    'AMSamplingInterval': 1,
    'AMOnlySavePMData': 0,
    'AMLaserOnIdle': 0

Read and reset the histogram. As of v1.3.0, histogram values are reported in particle number concentration (#/cc) by default.

Parameters:number_concentration (boolean) – If true, histogram bins are reported in number concentration vs. raw values.
Return type:dictionary
>>> alpha.histogram()
    'Temperature': None,
    'Pressure': None,
    'Bin 0': 0,
    'Bin 1': 0,
    'Bin 2': 0,
    'Bin 15': 0,
    'SFR': 3.700,
    'Bin1MToF': 0,
    'Bin3MToF': 0,
    'Bin5MToF': 0,
    'Bin7MToF': 0,
    'PM1': 0.0,
    'PM2.5': 0.0,
    'PM10': 0.0,
    'Sampling Period': 2.345,
    'Checksum': 0

Turn OFF the OPC (fan and laser)

Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.off()

Turn ON the OPC (fan and laser)

Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.on()

Read the PM data and reset the histogram

NOTE: This method is supported by firmware v18+.

Return type:dictionary
>>> alpha.pm()
    'PM1': 0.12,
    'PM2.5': 0.24,
    'PM10': 1.42

Read the firmware version of the OPC-N2. Firmware v18+ only.

Return type:dict
>>> alpha.read_firmware()
    'major': 18,
    'minor': 2,
    'version': 18.2

Read the status of the digital pot. Firmware v18+ only. The return value is a dictionary containing the following as unsigned 8-bit integers: FanON, LaserON, FanDACVal, LaserDACVal.

Return type:dict
>>> alpha.read_pot_status()
    'LaserDACVal': 230,
    'FanDACVal': 255,
    'FanON': 0,
    'LaserON': 0

Save the configuration variables in non-volatile memory. This method should be used in conjuction with write_config_variables.

Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.save_config_variables()

Set only the Fan power.

Parameters:power (int) – Fan power value as an integer between 0-255.
Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.set_fan_power(255)

Set the laser power only.

Parameters:power (int) – Laser power as a value between 0-255.
Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.set_laser_power(230)

Read the Serial Number string. This method is only available on OPC-N2 firmware versions 18+.

Return type:string
>>> alpha.sn()
'OPC-N2 123456789'

Toggle the power state of the fan.

Parameters:state (boolean) – Boolean state of the fan
Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.toggle_fan(False)

Toggle the power state of the laser.

Parameters:state (boolean) – Boolean state of the laser
Return type:boolean
>>> alpha.toggle_laser(True)

Write configuration variables to non-volatile memory.

NOTE: This method is currently a placeholder and is not implemented.

Parameters:config_vars (dictionary) – dictionary containing the configuration variables

Write configuration variables 2 to non-volatile memory.

NOTE: This method is currently a placeholder and is not implemented. NOTE: This method is supported by firmware v18+.

Parameters:config_vars (dictionary) – dictionary containing the configuration variables

Write the Serial Number string. This method is available for Firmware versions 18+.

NOTE: This method is currently a placeholder and is not implemented.

Parameters:sn (string) – string containing the serial number to write


exception opc.exceptions.FirmwareVersionError

Raised if the firmware version of your OPC is not supported with this version of the py-opc module. Please check the GitHub repository for updates.

This is usually raised under two circumstances:

  1. Your firmware version is not supported
  2. Your firmware version cannot be detected (usually due to a bad wiring)
exception opc.exceptions.SpiConnectionError

Raised when the argument sent to opc.OPCN2() is not a valid spidev.SpiDev instance.